Dialysis world news

New England Journal Of Medicine Publishes Case Reports On The Investigational Use Of Soliris(R) In Patients With ... (Medical News Today)

Two separate case reports published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) examine the investigational use of Soliris ® (eculizumab), a terminal complement inhibitor developed by Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: ALXN), in patients with a rare and severe inflammatory disease called atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (aHUS).

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Une nouvelle technique de désintoxication magnétique du sang - Maxisciences

En injectant ces particules dans le système sanguin, puis en effectuant une dialyse pour éliminer les particules et le plomb avec un aimant, le sang en est ...

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Une nouvelle technique de désintoxication magnétique du sang (Maxisciences via Yahoo! Actualités)

Corée du Sud - Des chercheurs de l'université nationale de Jinju ont découvert une nouvelle façon de débarrasser le sang de certains métaux.

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KineMed Describes Innovative Approach To Discover And Develop Drugs To Treat Fibrosis And Identifies Potential Drug ... (Medical News Today)

Scientists at KineMed, Inc., describe a new way to measure changes in the rates of deposition and breakdown of connective tissue applicable in animals and man.

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There is something fishy in the market. - NEXT

It goes to the kidney which could lead to, renal failure and ultimately; a multiple organ failure. It will definitely lead to death; except if the patient ...

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