Dialysis world news

Organ Shortage Needs Multi-Faceted Approach - National KidneyFoundation Unveils New Plan To End Wait (Medical News Today)

The National Kidney Foundation's (NKF) Board of Directors announced today a comprehensive action plan to address the urgent need to increase the number of organs available for transplantation in the U.S. The END THE WAIT! initiative is a virtual call-to-arms designed to put in place tested and proven actions relating to education, financial and medical practice.

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Muore al Valduce e dona gli organi - Corriere di Como

... pensionata hanno dato l’assenso alla donazione degli organi, l’intervento è stato effettuato con successo dall’équipe del Nord Italia Transplant (Nit). ...

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Questions About NJ Bird Kill (Gothamist)

Last weekend, " hundreds of birds...dropped dead on Somerset County cars, porches and snow-covered lawns," according to the Star-Ledger. The birds were all starlings and it turns out USDA had sprayed a farm with pesticide to kill the birds, whose droppings were contaminating farm animals' food. The USDA admitted it wasn't handled well—"Unfortunately, this was also done on a Friday, so the ...

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Scoach/Scoach (Frankfurt) - Blick in den Rückspiegel (FinanzNachrichten)

DJ Scoach/Scoach (Frankfurt) - Blick in den Rückspiegel Blick in den Rückspiegel Der deutsche Aktienmarkt zeigt sich heute wieder schlecht ...

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Scoach News: Scoach (Frankfurt) - Blick in den Rückspiegel (FinanzNachrichten)

Blick in den Rückspiegel Blick in den Ruckspiegel Der deutsche Aktienmarkt zeigt sich heute ...

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