Dialysis world news

La Consejería de Sanidad canaria realiza 6.514 sesiones diálisis ... - Europa Press

La Consejería de Sanidad del Gobierno de Canarias ha realizado un total de 6.514 sesiones de diálisis a pacientes de Lanzarote durante 2008 en la Unidad ...

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Golf-Double heart transplant player to walk the course (Yahoo! Canada Sports)

DUBAI, Jan 29 - Erik Compton, the U.S. pro golfer who underwent his second heart transplant less than a year ago, has been told he cannot use a buggy during this week's Dubai Desert Classic after replacing Tiger Woods in the field.

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La Consejería de Sanidad canaria realiza 6.514 sesiones diálisis en Lanzarote durante 2008 (Europa Press via Yahoo! España Noticias)

La Consejería de Sanidad del Gobierno de Canarias ha realizado un total de 6.514 sesiones de diálisis a pacientes de Lanzarote durante 2008 en la Unidad ubicada en las dependencias del Hospital Doctor. José Molina Orosa, donde se presta el tratamiento renal sustitutorio en la modalidad de hemodiálisis, según informó hoy el Ejecutivo regional en un comunicado.

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Time Is No Threat To Kidney Donors - EfluxMedia News

Furthermore, 11 people developed renal failure by the end of the study, which would translate to a rate of 180 cases per million people per year, ...

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New England Journal of Medicine Publishes Case Reports on the Investigational Use of Soliris® (eculizumab) in Patients ... (Centre Daily Times)

Two separate case reports published today in the New England Journal of Medicine ( NEJM ) examine the investigational use of Soliris ® (eculizumab), a terminal complement inhibitor developed by Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: ALXN), in patients with a rare and severe inflammatory disease called atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (aHUS). In both cases, physicians observed a ...

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