Dialysis world news

'My cancer was cured - thanks to a tiny baby' (Daily Mail)

Many of the 25,000 Britons who suffer from cancers of the blood, such as leukaemia, face an agonising wait for a bone marrow transplant.

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UMC's Liver Transplant Program Receives Medicare Certification - University of Arizona News (press release)

By Jo Gellerman, AHSC Office of Public Affairs University Medical Center now is certified as a liver transplant program by the US Centers for Medicare and ...

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De retour de Ghaza, des personnalités françaises témoignent (El Watan)

Ils ont dénoncé des crimes contre les civils, exigent une commission d’enquête internationale et lancent un appel pour que le gouvernement israélien soit poursuivi pour crimes de guerre.

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New findings on old kidneys could enhance transplants - The Virtual Medical Centre

Research in this month’s issue of the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology begins to establish a method for projecting future kidney function, ...

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Dialysis Patients Caught in the Middle of Physician-Hospital Dispute - Renal Business Today

... nephrologist Ganesh Pulla and United Hospital System (UHS) that has left many innocent dialysis patients caught in the middle of a legal brouhaha. ...

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