Dialysis world news

Afacerile Fresenius Romania, in 2009, mai mari cu 30% - Business Standard

Afacerile companiei Fresenius in Romania, liderul pietei de dializa la nivel mondial, ar putea creste cu 30%, de la 154,5 milioane de lei, in 2008, ...

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Treating Thyroid Cancer in the Elderly Or During Pregnancy (Newswise)

The American Thyroid Association's National Thyroid Cancer Workshop II "Frontiers in Thyroid Cancer: ATA Guidelines in Clinical Practice." Thyroid cancer experts will discuss and debate thyroid cancer treatment guidelines and offer research results.

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In Boston, a collective pause for shared experience (Boston Globe)

First-graders sat transfixed watching television coverage of the inauguration at the Mission Hill School in Roxbury. From the left, the students are Zachary Orlando-Milbauer, 5; Asmani Huda, 6; and Sumaya Ibrahim, 6. By Peter Schworm and David Abel, Globe...

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Chance of inclusion in kidney transplant list lesser for senior ... - HealthJockey.com

A latest study states that 45+ women stand a lesser chance of being included on the waiting list for kidney transplant, as compared to their same age male ...

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Research Study Looks At Alternative to Heart Transplant - Boston Channel.com

Dr. Laham’s team has developed a method to transplant tissue from areas of the heart that are not damaged to areas that are damaged. ...

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