Dialysis world news

Angry Steve Jobs demands privacy (PC Advisor)

Apple CEO tells Bloomberg to back off Reports that Steve Jobs may need a liver transplant have been dismissed by the Apple CEO.

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7 Year Old Girl Gets Heart Transplant 9 Year Sister Waiting for One - TopNews United States

A 7 year old Texas girl suffering from a rare disease received a heart transplant on Monday, more than eight months after she and her 9 year old sister were ...

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Mum takes cause to Westminster - Reading Evening Post

By Laura Herbert A mother whose baby nearly died after being diagnosed with renal failure at nine-days-old is heading to Parliament today to raise awareness ...

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Statement On Liver Transplants - Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust, England (Medical News Today)

In light of recent press reports about liver transplants at the Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust, we would like to make the following points:- 1. There is no truth in the assertion that patients from outside the UK can 'buy' a liver at the Royal Free or any other UK hospital, or are able to jump the transplant queue.

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Quelle déontologie médicale pour les transplantations d’organes ? - AgoraVox

En effet, si le cœur et les poumons, ou encore le foie sont des organes vitaux, il n’en va pas de même des reins, puisque la dialyse, bien que très ...

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