Dialysis world news

The Transplant Czar - Express Healthcare Management

Working closely with the King's College Hospital's liver transplant team and Hammersmith Hospital in the UK spurred Dr Ravindranath's desire to establish ...

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Nouvel hôpital : en attente d'une décision « claire » en 2009 - La Voix du Nord

Les grandes lignes 2009 reposent sur la poursuite des efforts menés en dialyse, diabétologie, oncologie, sur la construction d'un hôpital de jour en ...

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Dad's my hero for donating his kidney - Portsmouth News

Emily had both kidneys removed two years ago and has been relying on dialysis three times a week until she became well enough to receive a kidney. ...

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La concesionaria del nuevo hospital sólo atenderá los nuevos casos que surjan (Levante)

a la espera. Los pacientes que se sometían ayer a diálisis en la sala de crónicos de nefrología exigían explicaciones. ernest weber Sergi García, Dénia Pacientes que se sometían a diálisis en la unidad de nefrología del hospital de la Marina Alta, en Dénia, reclamaron ayer angustiados la presencia de los medios de comunicación.

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Best of America: She Gave at the Deli - Reader's Digest

By Bridget Nelson Monroe On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, Dan Heins had a routine: kidney dialysis from 6 to 10 am; breakfast at the Main Street Deli ...

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