Dialysis world news

Study Identifies Gender Bias in Kidney Transplants - HealthNews

Because of a shortage in donor organs, many Americans with chronic kidney disease wait years for a transplant, and some die before ever making it to the ...

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Paraplegic Receives Rare Nerve Transplant To Relieve Life-Altering Pressure Ulcers (Medical News Today)

The Plastic Surgery Center today announced that in a highly rare procedure, a paraplegic received a nerve grafting to relieve life-altering posterior pressure ulcers. The surgery was performed by a New Jersey medical team under the direction of Dr. Andrew Elkwood. World-renowned in the field of nerve transplantation, Dr.

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New clinical equation accurately measures kidney function in children - Science Centric

... visits can effectively accomplish this, according to a study appearing in the March 2009 issue of the Journal of the American Society Nephrology (JASN). ...

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Dialyse met magneten goede therapie bij loodvergiftiging - NierNieuws.nl

Vervolgens wordt deze combinatie tijdens een dialyse door middel van een magneet uit het bloed verwijderd. Een loodvergiftiging kan zeer ernstige gevolgen ...

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Measurement Of Kidney Function In Children With Kidney Disease ... - Science Daily (press release)

New Equations to Estimate GFR in Children with CKD. Journal of the American Society Nephrology, Online January 21, 2009; March 2009 print issue.

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