Dialysis world news

Patient group warns of funding crisis at dialysis stations - Polish Market

More than 10000 dialysis patients across the country – over 60% of the total – may soon be denied access to dialysis treatment due to lingering talks ...

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Tem casa que 'virou' funerária ali nas proximidades do HUT - 180graus

... neurológica, nefrológica/hemo diálise, otorrinolaringológica, pneumológica, dermatológica, urológica, oftalmologia, UTI e unidade de queimados. ...

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Transplant patient closer to surgery - Jamestown Sun

They told her she’d need a liver transplant and she’d need it before the lesions grew cancerous. Doctors put her on the liver transplant list, ...

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NUBE Says Socso Should Set Up Hospitals - Bernama

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 22 (Bernama) -- The Social Security Organisation (Socso) needs to set up and mantain hospitals and dialysis centres to reduce medical ...

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NUBE SAYS SOCSO SHOULD SET UP HOSPITALS (Bernama via Yahoo! Malaysia News)

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 22 (Bernama) -- The Social Security Organisation (Socso) needs to set up and mantain hospitals and dialysis centres to reduce medical costs incurred by private sector workers, especially retirees, suggested a union today.

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