Dialysis world news

Physician cleared in death of 14-year-old - The Gazette (Montreal)

Doctors had performed a vital bone-marrow transplant on Isabelle but the procedure failed, Rudel-Tessier said. However, "one of the lessons that can be ...

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MÄRKTE IM BLICK 6-Axa optimistisch zu Unternehmensanleihen (Reuters Deutschland)

Frankfurt, 22. Jan (Reuters) - Europäische Unternehmensanleihen werden nach Einschätzung von Axa Investment Managers trotz der weltweiten Rezession 2009 Erträge abwerfen.

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The real story of my caring mum - Yorkshire Evening Post

The story failed to report that she also had chronic renal failure. Instead, it stated she died due to a combination of her medication and alcohol. ...

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Boy urges donors to 'save a life' - BBC News

Aaron Gray, 12, from Peebles, was given a new liver and small bowel in a transplant operation in 2000. He said: "I wouldn't be here if it weren't for the ...

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Common Cause Of Kidney Transplant Failure Detected By New Urine Test (Medical News Today)

A new and simple urine test can detect polyomavirus nephropathy, a relatively new and serious complication that affects up to 9% of kidney transplant recipients, according to a study appearing in the February 2009 issue of the Journal of the American Society Nephrology (JASN). The advance could lead to better diagnosis and treatment of patients with this condition.

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